Fair Isle Pattern

Fair Isle Pattern

On page 91 of Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, pages 88-89 is the “Fair Isle” pattern. It is nice stranded colorwork and a nice intro to Argyle patterns. It is an enjoyable knit, and for the swatches, I’m trying to keep a 2 stitch border on each side in garter for later seaming/joining into the larger blanket, but I ran into some challenges with this. I tried several different approaches early on (don’t look at the edges, they are a mess) but ultimately found that just holding both colors together for the first 2 and last 2 stitches worked the best and matched the thickness of the fabric. That’s what this project is all about…experimenting and learning.

I’m happy with how it turned out and love my color choices. The dark color is Berroco Vintage Chunky, colorway 6134 Sour Cherry, and the light is colorway 6110 Fondant.


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