New Boat Arrives
- William Estep
- Ten year plan
- September 19, 2018
Table of Contents
My new Tender arrived today. So of course I had to set it up in my living room. 😁
It’s easy inflate and it all fits in the provided bag. It’s the PHP-310 Air Floor Inflatable from West Marine.
Looking forward to many years of service from this great little boat.
The question has come up several times regarding what to call the little boat. Is it a tender, or a dinghy, a zodiac or a skiff? Here’s a rough definition of each as I understand them:
- Tender: Any craft serving as support for another ship. For example, in the navy, our submarine was serviced by a Tender. Also, my little boat is a tender for the larger s/v Ten Year Plan, and helps get stuff/people to and from the boat.
- Skiff: Generally a small, flat bottomed boat often with a simple single sail rig.
- Dinghy: A small boat servicing a larger boat. A small sailboat for daysailing. My little boat could be called a Dinghy, but I still prefer the term Tender.
- Zodiac: An area of the sky designated by the name of the animal or person represented. Also the brand name of some Tenders.