RSS Feed in Zend Framework

Going to get a little geeky here. But I wanted to share a simple, and effective way to create a simple rss feed of content in the Zend Framework.

The new ClubReading site is separated into two parts, the blog, and the books. The books site is now using Disqus for the comments, and so far Disqus is working out great, but that’s a topic for another day. The blog is a wordpress blog. What I wanted to do was display a couple or three of the recently added books from the books site on the sidebar of the ClubReading Blog. My thought was to create a simple rss feed of the most recent books, and use the standard wordpress rss widget to display the feed content in the sidebar. But - how to create the rss feed? Turns out it was pretty simple thanks to a great article by Alex Netkachov called “Syndicate content with Zend Framework Zend_Feed classes”.

"84, Charing Cross Road" by Helene  Hanff

"84, Charing Cross Road" by Helene Hanff


This book is a collection of letters from a female writer in New York City to a bookstore in London. She writes for good, inexpensive copies of books which they ship to her in New York. Eventually, she and the man who answers for the bookstore become friends.

The love of books is throughout the collected letters. Helene tries to help her London friends by sending them treats during the rations in London after World War II. She longs to go to London, but doesn’t ever seem to have the funds to go.

"A House in Sicily" by Daphne Phelps

"A House in Sicily" by Daphne Phelps


Daphne Phelps inherited a house in Sicily called Casa Cuseni. At the time, Daphne had no knowledge of Italian, no money, and was war-weary. At 34, she moved to the small Sicilian town of Taormina expecting to sell the house.

After 50 years and guests like Tennesee Williams, Bertrand Russel, Henry Faulkner and Roald Dahl, Daphne Phelps has a wonderful story to tell.

"Anonymous Rex" by Eric Garcia

"Anonymous Rex" by Eric Garcia


A terrific read! Very entertaining, unusual and fresh with a sly humor and good story.

A detective story of sorts. In Eric Garcia’s world, Dinosaurs are walking among us. A while back, the Dino population of the world took notice of the annoying apes evolving and made the decision to hide their identity. Now living among the apes are various breeds of dinosaur hiding in very elaborate costumes…including our protagonist Vincent Rubio.

"At The Scent Of Water" by Linda Nichols

"At The Scent Of Water" by Linda Nichols


Reviewer: Sally

‘Life Happens!!’ We’ve all seen the bumper stickers. Some use different words, but the meaning is the same. It’s the cynic’s answer to ‘Why?’ It’s also the optimist’s answer to the same question. I like to finish the statement this way: ‘Life Happens!! Get over it!!!’

‘Why…is this happening to me?’ It is one of the age old questions. Many authors have offered their version of the answers. Viewpoints are varied, of course. We blame others, we blame God, and sometimes we even blame ourselves. One thing is for sure. There are no easy answers.

"Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman" by Alice Steinbach

"Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman" by Alice Steinbach


Alice Steinbach manages to do the things we all want to do: She travels to different places to learn new things. She goes to cooking school in France, tours Jane Austin’s England, and learns a bit about being a geisha in Japan. She does many other things as well.

I loved reading this book; even when Alice learns something I have no interest in, she makes it interesting. The locations, the learning, and the lessons were wonderful to read about.

"Phoenix Tales: Stories of Death and Life" by Gregory Bernard Banks

"Phoenix Tales: Stories of Death and Life" by Gregory Bernard Banks


Reviewer: Bardsandsages

Breaking the boundaries between literary and genre fiction, Gregory Bernard Banks’ Phoenix Tales: Stories of Death and Life is a stunning collection of short stories that confronts the meaning of life and death with beautiful bravery. Part science fiction, part philosophy, with a little horror thrown in, this collection should be on everyone’s reading list.

Yo!  Need a vampire hunter over here!

Yo! Need a vampire hunter over here!


Amazon emailed me a couple of days ago to let me know I might like the new Laurell Hamilton book “Blood Noir”. I don’t have the message anymore, but I remember it going something like “You liked Anita Blake in the past, you might like this one. Why not pre-order?” In reality, it said something like “As someone who purchased from the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series…”.

ClubReading Facelift

ClubReading Facelift


Well - it’s time for some changes at ClubReading. The current site has served us well for a long time, but it is feeling it’s age. As you can see, the new site start page is a blog. This will give us a chance to share and dialog with the community, while still having a place for a conversation.

Stroll Back in Time

What an amazing website! Shorpy is an archive, in very high detail of historical photo’s. Presented in blog format, just browsing through the archives is an amazing trip back in time. Check it out:

Don’t miss the opportunity to view the images full size. The detail is amazing.

I got a heads up about this great site from the This Week in Photography podcast episode #16.