QOTD: Experience

Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.

Aldous Huxley

QOTD: Raise Your Words

Raise your words,
not your voice.
It is rain that
grows flowers,
not thunder.


QOTD: Sea Quest

There comes a time when a man would have to be a complete fool not to realize that his fate hangs on a particle of time.

Charles Borden, Sea Quest

QOTD: Dream by Moonlight

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

Oscar Wilde

QOTD: Provided

The words of a dead man
Are modified in the guts of the living

W. H. Auden

Video Editing Adventures

I have a new role at work. For many years I managed the application development teams, but with recent growth and shifts, I’ve moved to the Marketing and Communications team as an innovation architect. The new role has so many interesting opportunities to learn new skills. One thing I’ve been learning is video editing. Our Marketing team has one videographer. She out-sources a great deal of the filming and editing work, but with limited funds, she does as much as she can personally.

The Sublime Regex

The Sublime Regex

Sublime Text is a really wonderful text editor. It’s flexible and extensible enough to cover just about any need, but still simple and clean to use. This post is not a long discussion about either text editors or regular expressions, but a simple post about a problem I needed to tackle and the simple solution.

I pulled a bunch of data from our issue tracking software, and I needed to create a simple list of all the issues resolved and the person assigned the issue. Simple. I grabbed the text I needed from the csv file created, then used a simple find/replace in Sublime Text to put the text in the format I ultimately wanted.

The First Real Ride of Spring

The First Real Ride of Spring

Yesterday was the first real ride of spring. The weather was perfect, and the Todd and I headed north up the coast for a bit, then across the Mayport Ferry, before heading back to Sippers and having some coffee. It was a great ride. I love the winding road once you get past the Zoo and Cruise ship terminals, and Herschel heads out onto blunt island. The views are fantastic, and it stays interesting all the way up to Big Talbot island. Todd is breaking in his brand new shiny bike. It’s pretty nice.

Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

I ran across a terrific blog post by Thomas Borowski discussing his TextExpander snippet for Pelican blog posts. I have my own snippet for such purposes, but love his solution for Slug creation.

TextExpander is one of those small pieces of software I use every single day and can’t imaging doing without. The premise is simple, a short bit of text expands and turns into a large amount of text. For example, I use dates a lot in my day job, so I have several simple snippets that dump dates in the right format. Number one on the list is ,ds which expands into 2014-03-22.

Sublime Pelican Plugin

Sublime Pelican Plugin

Wow. If you, like me, are a Sublime convert, and a Pelican blogger, then this wonderful plugin is a must.

The plugin adds several Pelican commands to the command palette creating shortcuts for article creation and adding tags.


The best, and for me, the most useful part is the tag insert feature. It pulls all the tags from the site content and makes an easy to search and use list.