Strides for Pride
In 2017, my sister and I participated in the Strides for Pride 5k. We walked and had a good time.
This year, the event is a virtual 5k. I signed up again, and did my 5k today. It was a nice morning and I had a nice walk.
I’m not breaking any records with the pace, but it was a pleasure to participate, and I appreciated the very good excuse to get out and walk. Since I was in no rush, I did stop for a bit and watch a barge go through the Ortega River Bridge.
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Just a Note Regarding Harry Potter
I just wanted to take a second and say that I nor anyone associated with this website approves of or appreciates the destructive and bigoted transphobic messages coming from J.K Rowling recently. If you are not familiar with the issues, ContraPoints does a fantastic job describing the issues.
While I say that, I do want to say, I really love Harry Potter and the wonderful world the books create. Such a delight and wonderful addition to the world.
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Marriage: What Is It Good For?
Kudos to the Supreme Court yesterday ruling correctly that equality is a constitutional right under the law, and not something to be argued about and applied willy-nilly.
I know I’m just whispering to the wind, but it is important to keep this point going forward: This fight has never been about religion. Marriage in this country is not restricted to a specific religious sect or group, and likewise, it is not defined by a specific group.
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Are You Wearing Enough Flair?
“What do you think, Joanna, of the person who only does the bare minimum?”
Are you wearing the right amount of flair? If you don’t get the reference,please immediately go watch Office Space.
I was joking with a friend the other day, that I can’t help think of that scene from Office Space when I see someone wearing religious paraphernalia like a cross pendant. So we coined the phrase, Religious Flair. And yes, I know that these tokens probably mean a great deal to the person wearing them,and they may have great sentimental meaning. And yes, I’m a horrible person for saying all this, but it does creep me out a bit to see people walking around with medieval torture/execution devices around their necks.
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We Need More--I Want More
The cynic in me wants to say how awful things are and to rail against anything and everyone that doesn’t agree with me. But, if I did that, I’d be just like everyone else 🙂
Seriously though, I know that it doesn’t value me or effect positive change to only bitch and moan. So what will I say?
I’ve made the statement before, that for me personally, this president, President Obama, is the first president we’ve had in my lifetime that I can honestly say I am proud of. He is a well spoken, well educated man who acts from genuine desire to do good. And the list of accomplishments during his presidency are remarkable.
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Anger Management
Silence. Internal voices saying, “I’m not good enough,” and “I’m evil.” Jibes and taunts. I talked about this some in the MBAGPP post, what it is like to stand apart from society and deal with the bigotry.
Folks are driven by these challenges in different ways. Some turn away and find new groups and families that meet their support requirements. Some close down and get angry. And some quit, unable to deal with or unable to bear the burden.
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People Are Challenging
I make no claim to understand people. In fact, I’m often confused by peoples motivations or responses.
For a long time, I was convinced that my lack of understanding was a result of my own limitations. I believed I was either naive about the situation, or I had put up too many barriers between myself and others to ‘grok’ their meaning.
We all have so much in common, so why is basic communication so difficult? We are all born, we all die, we all suffer, and we all experience occasional joy.
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Scalzi's Take on Privilege
John Scalzi ruffled some feathers again on his blog when he used a gaming metaphor to try and explain to the Straight White Male players in life that they are on the lowest/easiest setting. It’s an interesting read and plenty to think about.
Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is – Whatever: You can lose playing on the lowest difficulty setting. The lowest difficulty setting is still the easiest setting to win on. The player who plays on the ‘Gay Minority Female’ setting? Hardcore.
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My Big Ass Gay Pity Party
I had a rough day yesterday. I let myself go to a dark place and the resulting big ass pity party wasn’t pretty.
The trigger is always something trivial or on the surface silly. In this case, a distant semi-relative posted about their engagement on that awful so-called social media site, Facebook. I threw in my congrats because that’s what you do. Of course the little green jealousy monster started whispering in my ear. Everything is so perfect for them…health, youth, love of family and friends…why them?
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