
My Favorite Everything Socks

My Favorite Everything Socks

My first package from the wonderful Woolens & Nosh yarn club was from October, 2023, and since it was my first, I wanted to make something special with it.

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Beanie Prototype: Double Basket Pattern

Beanie Prototype: Double Basket Pattern

I am working on a new Beanie using the delightful Double Basket pattern .

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Found My Watchcap

Found My Watchcap

Cleaning out the boat I found my old watch cap (wool hat) that I made back in 2004 for an Alaska cruise.

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Boat Renovations

Boat Renovations

Since purchasing the boat, I’ve been focusing on internal renovations and minor updates.

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Dragons Past and Present

Dragons Past and Present

Below is a paper I wrote for a college lit class.

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Old Words

Old Words

Packing, boxes, tape, more boxes more tape…. That’s my life for the next few weeks.

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"Breaking the Surface" by Greg Louganis

"Breaking the Surface" by Greg Louganis

As I mentioned in a previously, I am working on recovering all of the old ClubReading.

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My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

I had a rough day yesterday. I let myself go to a dark place and the resulting big ass pity party wasn’t pretty.

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Gravity Arranged

Gravity Arranged

Luckiamute Falls How does gravity work? Oh the dreaded scale!

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Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Troubleshooting is tracking down pesky bugs, rooting them from the code and squashing them.

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